The Universal Prana is the Para-Shakti (pure nature),
is the inborn energy or force which is infused in all the
atoms and sustains the cosmos.
Life force is a mixture of consciousness and electrons
and can be called as “Lifetrons”. Prana Shakti or life-force
pervades the whole body. The life force in the sperm and
ovum cell, come together and develop as an embryo and
ultimately into a full grown human being.
This creative life force energy enters into the physical body through
the medulla and descends through seven subtle centres
or chakras in the spine and brain. The nerves are the main
pathways of life force (Prana) in the body.
The human physical body is directly created and sustained
by the Prana-Shakti or life-force. Inhalation and exhalation
go on largely involuntarily throughout one’s life till PranaShakti leaves the body.
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